Celindra is a decentralized stock exchange under blockchain for tokenized companies.

Earn up to 11% yield per year.
How it works
We bring together non-listed companies and other type of fundraisers with investors and traders.
This allows companies to access capital by issuing shares and transforming them into digital tokens. Tokenized shares are traded on Celindra stock exchange-like platform where investors and traders can buy, hold or sell tokenized shares according to their investment strategy and approach – evaluation of the respective companies, personal speculative or value investing profile as well as macroeconomic environment.

The Goal
Classical stock exchange in a Decentralized Finance Environment.
Based on blockchain technology, Celindra automates the issuance of tokenized company shares. Through this process, non-listed companies can gain access to the capital market.
Tokenized shares can further be traded by investors on the platform, similarly to a classical stock exchange but in decentralized finance environment.
The issued security tokens will have a backing on stablecoin (USDC), further backed by corresponding real assets, tangible or intangible.

Decentralized Finance Environment

The Goal
Classical stock exchange in a Decentralized Finance Environment.
Based on blockchain technology, Celindra automates the issuance of tokenized company shares. Through this process, non-listed companies can gain access to the capital market.
Tokenized shares can further be traded by investors on the platform, similarly to a classical stock exchange but in decentralized finance environment.
The issued security tokens will have a backing on a native stablecoin (CELS), further backed by corresponding real assets, tangible or intangible.
Security Token Offerings
DeFi (Decentralized Finance)
Blockchain-based finance
The Process
Companies issue tokenized shares, sell them for USDC (the platform stable coin), exchange the stablecoins for FIAT money (USD, EUR, etc) and finally use the funds for their investment or operational purposes. Investors and traders exchange FIAT (USD, EUR, etc) to USDC (the platform stable coin), use it to buy and trade tokenized shares in the platform and finally exit by exchanging back the stable coin to FIAT (USD, EUR, etc)
Digital Token
Built on blockchain network
Digital investment data storage
Easy financial transactions
USDC is the Platform’ Stablecoin
Asset Tokenization
Best digital tokens
On the companies side, steps include all AML/KYC procedure , company auditing, listing step that consists of incorporation in Switzerland of a holding company, as Swiss legislation is the only shares tokenization permissive legislation in Europe. As an investor or trader it all goes much leaner , one only needs to go through registration (AML/KYC) , credit their account with stable coin and start trading!
See the flow from the Companies point of view.
Know Your Customer
Evaluation/Audit of the company
Listing the company
Including legal service-holding entity registration in Switzerland
Set-up of token issue conditions
Promoting the financial round
Selling tokenized shares for USDC
USDC is the Platform’ Stablecoin
Exchange USDC for FIAT for business usage
Trading tokens on the platform
Issue of new tokens for dividend payout
See the flow from the Investors/Traders point of view.
Know Your Customer
Approval as inverstor / Account creation
With worldwide market reach
Credit account with USDC (Stablecoin) by FIAT payment
Buying tokens of various companies listed
Trading tokens on the platform that acts as secondary market
Selling tokens for USDC
USDC is the Platform’ Stablecoin
Exit by changing USDC to FIAT
What our happy clients say

This platform is amazing, i can’t say anything about this platform, really helpful!
Alexander Blue

This platform is amazing, i can’t say anything about this platform, really helpful!
Alexander Gray

This platform is amazing, i can’t say anything about this platform, really helpful!
Alexander Red
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